Representation in Africa
From company representation to agency representation
Local Representative
Do you want to sell your products/services in Africa, but are unable to enter the market? Perhaps you have heard about the obstacles to selling in Africa, and are nervous about the downside. We can help you to minimize your risk, and get a foot in the door before you commit lots of resources.
Many companies can only develop one market at a time due to limited resources. However as competitors may be already in the process of entering a potentially lucrative market, a multi-country entry strategy must sometimes be considered.
But, selling in a new market means understanding competitors, traveling, researching, persuading, appointing and firing distributors, negotiating, dealing, and relationship building and all in a different cultural setting and language. Our company can act as your marketing agent for products and provide support services in Africa.
By being your local partner, we can act as your presence in the market to find and develop the customers you need to make a successful market entry.
We also provide a variety of representative services to companies wanting to do business in Africa. We provide nominee representative director services, virtual office services with telephone support, full office support (short and long-term) and office address facilities. Our administration management team can help you with treasury and cash management, helping you to make timely payables. We are able to right-size your corporate representation in Africa.
‘’From company representation to agency representation, we are equipped to help you penetrate the local markets with a corporate and operational support infrastructure in place from day one.’’